Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - Fate

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Matching Glyph Groups

Group ID: G46363
Meaning: what is decreed or ordered or ordained, fate, destiny
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Group ID: G46364
Meaning: what is decreed or ordered or ordained, fate, destiny
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Group ID: G46365
Meaning: what is decreed or ordered or ordained, fate, destiny
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Group ID: G38450
Meaning: time, season, fate, luck, occasion, opportunity, hap, accident, condition, case, situation, kind, sort, mode, means, manner, habit, way, behavior, action, characteristic, aim, object, purpose, subject, case at law, trial, affair, act, like, equal, expedient
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Group ID: G38452
Meaning: time, season, fate, luck, occasion, opportunity, hap, accident, condition, case, situation, kind, sort, mode, means, manner, habit, way, behavior, action, characteristic, aim, object, purpose, subject, case at law, trial, affair, act, like, equal, expedient
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Group ID: G21583
Meaning: the goddess of the birth-chamber, the goddess of Luck, Fate, or Destiny
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Group ID: G38453
Meaning: time, season, fate, luck, occasion, opportunity, hap, accident, condition, case, situation, kind, sort, mode, means, manner, habit, way, behavior, action, characteristic, aim, object, purpose, subject, case at law, trial, affair, act, like, equal, expedient
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Group ID: G21584
Meaning: the goddess of the birth-chamber, the goddess of Luck, Fate, or Destiny
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Group ID: G38454
Meaning: time, season, fate, luck, occasion, opportunity, hap, accident, condition, case, situation, kind, sort, mode, means, manner, habit, way, behavior, action, characteristic, aim, object, purpose, subject, case at law, trial, affair, act, like, equal, expedient
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Group ID: G21585
Meaning: the goddess of the birth-chamber, the goddess of Luck, Fate, or Destiny
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Group ID: G38455
Meaning: time, season, fate, luck, occasion, opportunity, hap, accident, condition, case, situation, kind, sort, mode, means, manner, habit, way, behavior, action, characteristic, aim, object, purpose, subject, case at law, trial, affair, act, like, equal, expedient
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Group ID: G21586
Meaning: the goddess of the birth-chamber, the goddess of Luck, Fate, or Destiny
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Group ID: G38451
Meaning: time, season, fate, luck, occasion, opportunity, hap, accident, condition, case, situation, kind, sort, mode, means, manner, habit, way, behavior, action, characteristic, aim, object, purpose, subject, case at law, trial, affair, act, like, equal, expedient
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Group ID: G38449
Meaning: time, season, fate, luck, occasion, opportunity, hap, accident, condition, case, situation, kind, sort, mode, means, manner, habit, way, behavior, action, characteristic, aim, object, purpose, subject, case at law, trial, affair, act, like, equal, expedient
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