Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - W
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | W
Dictionary phrases starting with 'w':
1050 matching phrases foundPage 9 of 11
- woman of wealth and position
- woman or goddess with child
- woman suffering from some defect of the sexual organs
- woman well known in her town
- woman who brings forth
- woman who has been put away or repudiated
- woman who has conceived
- woman who is not provided for
- woman with pendent breasts
- woman with side-locks
- woman-headed-serpent
- woman's outfit
- womb
- wombs
- women
- women in general
- women of the chamber
- women of the Eastern Desert
- women players of tambourines
- women servants
- women who give suck
- women who have borne children
- women-headed hippopotamus-goddess
- women's apartments
- women's myrrh
- wonder
- wondered
- wonderful
- wonderful one
- wonderfully good
- wondering
- wonders
- wont
- wood
- wood for kindling a fire
- wood of the myrrh shrub
- wood packing
- woodcutters miners
- wooded land
- wooden bar or tool
- wooden bolts or bars
- wooden coffin
- wooden coffins
- wooden cramp
- wooden decoration in circular form of a pillar
- wooden instrument
- wooden instrument used in grinding
- wooden object
- wooden object used in fishing
- wooden objects
- wooden palings for defense
- wooden pillow
- wooden staff
- wooden symbol of power
- wooden tablet
- wooden tablets
- wooden tool
- wooden tool or instrument
- wooden tool used for beating
- wooden tools or instruments
- wooden weapons
- woods
- woodwork
- woodworking
- wool
- woound
- word
- word of death
- word of power
- word of the mouth of Egypt
- word of the sky
- word of wisdom
- word used in connection with a blowpipe
- word used in connection with money
- word used in geometry
- word with a hidden meaning
- words
- words of a Delta man with a man of Abu
- words of bewitchment
- words of boldness or courage
- words of hiddenness
- words of ill omen
- words of power
- words of praise
- words of pride
- words of shame
- words of the god [Thoth]
- words of truth or law
- work
- work a boat
- work a boring tool
- work a line or net in fishing and fowling
- work a mine
- work a paddle
- work a plough
- work a plough or some other digging tool
- work a plow
- work a plow or some other digging tool
- work as a carpenter
- work at a trade or handicraft