Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - W
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | W
Dictionary phrases starting with 'w':
1050 matching phrases foundPage 11 of 11
- wrath
- wrathful
- wrathful man
- wrathing
- wraths
- wreath
- wreath of flowers
- wreathe to decorate
- wreaths
- wreaths of flowers
- wreck
- wrecked
- wretched
- wretched man
- wretchedness
- wriggle
- wriggle away
- wriggler
- wring
- wring out
- wrinkled
- write
- write a book
- writer
- writer of books
- writers
- writes
- writing
- writing board
- writing cut in stone or wood
- writing instrument
- writing reed
- writing tablet
- writing tablet with two leaves
- writing tablets
- writings
- written
- written hymns of praise
- written legend
- written roll
- written roll of papyrus
- wrong
- wrong reading
- wrong-doer
- wrongdoers
- wrongfully
- wrongs
- wrote
- wroth
- wrought metal work