Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - U
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'u':
311 matching phrases foundPage 3 of 4
- unweighable
- unwilling
- unwise
- unwonted
- unwrapped
- unyoke
- up
- up to
- up to now
- upend
- upended
- upending
- upends
- uplifted in heart
- upon
- upper
- Upper and Lower Egpt
- Upper and Lower Egypt
- upper chamber
- upper chanber
- Upper Egypt
- upper lip
- upper region
- Upper Rethen
- Upper Syria
- Upper Thennu
- upper valleys or ravines
- uppermost
- upright
- uprightness
- uprise
- uprising
- uprose
- upset
- upset of the stomach
- upset or overturned
- upside down
- Upuatu
- uraei
- uraes
- uraeus
- uraeus amulet
- uraeus crown
- uraeus goddess
- uraeus guide
- uraeus headdress
- uraeus in the Boat of Af
- uraeus on the brow of Ra
- uraeus-diadem
- Uraeus-goddess
- uraeus-godess
- urban
- urge
- urge on
- urged
- urgency
- urgent
- urges
- urging
- urinate
- urinated
- urinates
- urinating
- urine
- urn
- us
- use
- use a rope
- use a throw-net in hunting
- use blandishments
- use force
- use natron ceremonially or in embalming
- use strength
- use the corvee
- use the legs to good purpose
- used especially of the lotus
- used in a bad sense
- used in ceremonies
- used in funerary ceremonies
- used in measuring the estates of the blessed in the Tuat
- used in medicine
- used in mummification
- used of a woman
- used of the Flame-god Neba who alternately grew and diminished
- used up
- useful
- useful plans
- useless
- useless man
- Usertsen III
- usually Isis and Nephthys
- usurp
- usury
- utensil
- uteri
- uterus
- utility
- utter a cry
- utter a cry of joy
- utter a cry of pain