Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - S
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | S
Dictionary phrases starting with 's':
2849 matching phrases foundPage 5 of 29
- sea-going ship
- seal
- seal in a ring
- seal of the gods
- seal ring
- seal rings
- seal up
- seal-cylinder
- seal-cylinder with cord
- seal-maker
- sealed
- sealed document
- sealed place
- sealer
- sealing
- sealing [with] seals
- sealing the strong rooms
- sealing up valuables
- seals
- seals of office
- search for
- search into
- search magical books
- search out
- searcher of the reins - a title of the god of the Judgement
- searching the heart or mind
- seas
- season
- seasons
- seat
- seat bench
- seat in a chariot
- seat myself
- seat of a god
- Seat of drunkenness
- Seat of Eternity: Denderah
- seat of government
- seat of Horus
- seat of royalty
- seat of the cult of Aten in Nubia
- seat of the cult of Isis
- Seat of the drink of Ra Harmakhis
- Seat of the Eye of Horus
- Seat of the Governess
- Seat of the Moon
- Seat of the Queen
- seat oneself
- seat oneself on a throne
- seat someone
- seated
- seats
- seats chairs
- seats of government
- Seba
- Sebek
- Sebennytus
- seclude
- secluded
- second
- second of time
- second of two
- second time
- second time I served
- seconds
- secrect shrine of Osiris
- secret
- secret chamber
- secret contract
- secret of the royal harim
- secret one
- secret powers of evil
- secret properties
- secretary
- secretion
- secretions
- secretions of the body
- secretive disposition
- secretly
- secrets
- section
- section of a book
- section of the fields of offerings
- section of the Labyrinth
- section of the temple of Denderah
- sections
- sections of books
- sector
- sectors
- secure
- secured
- secures
- securing
- security
- sedge
- sediment
- sediment scum
- sedum
- see
- see dor fruit used in medicine
- see the preceding