Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - S
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Dictionary phrases starting with 's':
2849 matching phrases foundPage 25 of 29
- striped hide
- striped hides
- striped leather
- striped or variegated
- striped or varigated
- stripes
- stripling
- strips of metal
- strive
- striver
- stroke
- stroke of an oar
- stron
- stron negative
- strong
- strong beer
- strong beings
- strong building
- strong bull
- strong city in the Delta
- strong enclosed place
- strong heart
- strong in the mouth
- strong man
- strong men
- strong negative
- strong of arm
- strong one
- strong one or thing
- strong ones
- strong pinioned - a title of the Winged Disk
- strong place
- strong smell
- strong smelling plant
- strong spell
- strong sword
- strong thing
- strong voice
- strong white
- strong woman
- strong woman or goddess
- strong-smelling substance
- strong-smelling unguent made from the cyperus
- strong-willed
- stronger than the gods
- stronghold
- strongholds
- strophe
- strophes
- struck
- struck dumb with astonishment
- structure
- structures
- struggle
- stubble
- stubborn
- stuck
- stuck speechless with fear
- stud
- stud bulls
- stud cattle
- stud cow
- stud cow or bull
- stud cows or bulls
- stud farm
- studded
- study profoundly
- stuff
- stung or bitten by a reptile
- stupefy
- stupid
- stupidity
- sturdy
- stutter
- style
- style of
- stylus
- styrax
- styrax wood staff
- subdue
- subdued
- subject
- subject to
- subjection
- subjects
- subjegate the double
- subjugation
- submerge
- submerged
- submerged land
- submerges
- submerging
- submersion
- submissive
- submit
- submit to
- subordinate
- subordinate officers
- subordinates
- subservient to