Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - S
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Dictionary phrases starting with 's':
2849 matching phrases foundPage 20 of 29
- spitting viper
- spitting vipers
- spittings
- spittle
- splash around
- spleen
- splendid
- splendid acts
- splendid or beautiful things
- splendid or magnificent things
- splendid rank
- splendor
- splendor of splendors or holy of holies - the name of the temple built at Der al-Bahari by Hatshepset
- splendors
- splendour
- splinter
- split
- split open
- split wood
- splits
- splitted
- splitting
- splitting wood
- spoil
- spoil easily taken
- spoke
- spoken
- spokesman
- spoon
- sport
- sport with
- spot
- spots
- spotted
- spotted mullet
- spotted or speckled or striped plumage
- spotting
- spouse
- spout
- sprawl about
- spread
- spread a net
- spread net
- spread out
- spread out a net
- spread out a skin
- spread out like the light
- spread out the arms
- spread out the legs
- spread out the light
- spread out the wings
- spread the wings over young
- spreader
- spreading
- spreading out
- spreads
- spreads out
- spring
- spring fruits and vegetables
- spring into the air
- spring plant
- spring plant or flower
- spring plants
- spring plants or flowers
- spring up
- sprinkle
- sprinkled
- sprinkles
- sprinkling
- sprinkling with water in which incense has been dissolved
- sprint
- sprinted
- sprinting
- sprints
- sprout
- sprouted
- sprouting
- sprouts
- spur
- spurs
- spy
- spy into
- spy out
- squabble
- squabbled
- squabbles
- squabbling
- square
- square box
- square shawl or head-cloth
- squash
- squashed
- squashes
- squashing
- squat
- squeeze
- squeeze out
- squeeze together
- squeezed
- squeezes