Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - S
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Dictionary phrases starting with 's':
2849 matching phrases foundPage 18 of 29
- song of praise
- songs
- songs of praise
- sons
- sons of Mehurit
- sons of quakings terror-stricken beings
- soot charcoal
- sorcerer
- sorceress
- sorcery
- sore
- sore places
- sores
- sorrow
- sorrower
- sorrowful
- sorrowful man
- sorry
- sort
- Soter
- Sothis
- souce of a river
- soul
- soul and body
- soul dwelling in his two souls
- soul equipped with amulets
- soul of Geb
- soul of gold
- soul of Shu
- soul of souls
- Soul of Tet
- soul of the Earth-god Tathenn
- soul that has renewed its existence in heaven
- souls
- souls that have renewed their existence in heaven
- sound
- sound a trumpet
- sound body
- sound from heaven
- sound mind
- sound of heart
- sound or healthy
- soundness
- soup
- sour
- sour milk
- source
- source of a river
- source of a spring
- source of the Nile
- South
- South and North
- south feather - a kind of plant
- South Lake - a lake in the Fayyum
- south of his wall: one of the forms of Ptah of Memphis
- south of Memphis
- South one of his wall
- South sky
- south wind
- South-land and North-land
- southern
- Southern and Northern
- Southern and Northern Solstice
- southern country conquered by Thothmes III
- southern district conquered by Rameses III
- southern gods
- Southern Nubia
- Southern Oasis
- Southern Palestine
- Southern Solstice
- southern the gods of roads
- southern tribes
- sovereign
- sovereignty
- sow
- sow grain
- sow seed
- sowed
- sowing
- sows
- space
- space suitable for building
- spacecraft
- spaceship
- spacious
- spacious or abundant
- spacious room
- spaciously
- spaciousness
- span
- spanned
- spanning
- spans
- spar
- spare the life of
- spark
- sparkle
- sparkle stone
- sparkled
- sparkles