Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - S
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Dictionary phrases starting with 's':
2849 matching phrases foundPage 10 of 29
- shellfish
- shelter
- shelters
- shelters for cattle in the fields
- shelters on the river
- shepard
- shepherd
- Shepherd - a title of Osiris
- shepherdess
- shepherding
- shepherds
- shepherds' pens
- Shesmu
- shew favor
- shew pity
- shew what it is
- shewbread
- Shezmu
- shield
- shields
- shift
- shimmer
- shimmered
- shimmering
- shimmers
- shin bone
- shin bones
- Shinar
- shine
- shine like a star
- shine like heaven
- shine or sparkle like a star
- shine upon
- shined
- shines
- shining
- shining gold
- shining with crowns
- ship
- ship 100 cubits long
- ship of Byblos
- ship of Keft
- ship of war
- shipping in port
- ships
- ships of a certain kind
- shipwreck
- shipwrecked man
- shipwrecked sailor
- shirt
- shiver
- shiver through fear
- shivered
- shivering
- shivers
- shoal water
- shod or provided with sandals
- shoe
- shoemaker
- shoes
- shook
- shoot
- shoot a glance of the eye
- shoot arrows
- shoot down
- shoot game in the desert
- shoot out
- shoot out fire
- shoot venom
- shooter
- shooters
- shooters forth of water
- shooting
- shooting star
- shoots
- shoots of a plant
- shop in which fire is used
- shore
- shore of the Mediterranean
- short
- short coat
- short drawers
- short of
- short or contracted
- short sword
- short swords
- short tunic
- short-bread
- shorten
- shorten sail
- shortened
- shot
- shot as in shot silk
- shot with stars
- shoulder
- shoulders
- shout
- shout down
- shout for joy
- shout of joy