Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - P
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | P
Dictionary phrases starting with 'p':
2185 matching phrases foundPage 9 of 22
- places with water in them
- placing
- plague
- plain
- plainly
- plaintiff
- plait
- plait the hair
- plaited beards
- plaited mat
- plaited thing
- plaiter of baskets
- plaiter of crown
- plan
- plan which has grown on a tree
- planet
- planet comet
- planets
- plank
- plank of a ship
- plank or log of wood
- planks
- planks of thagu wood
- planks or beams of a ship
- plans
- plant
- plant from which a dye was made
- plant of life
- plant of the South
- plant or flower
- plant or fruit used in medicine
- plant or herb
- plant or herb growing in the Great Oasis
- plant or herb used in medicine
- plant or seed used in medicine
- plant or shoot proceeding
- plant or shrub
- plant or tree
- plant or twig used in medicine
- plant or wood of life
- plant or wood used in making kyphi incense
- plant used in making boats
- plant used in making incense
- plant used in medicine
- plant which has grown on a tree
- plant with a bitter taste
- plant with a gummy juice
- plant with white leaves or flowers
- plant-god
- plantation
- planted
- planting
- plants
- plants and herbs
- plants of the South
- plants or flowers of the South
- plaque
- plaque or tile of the same
- plaques
- plaster
- plate
- plate an object with metal
- plate or sheet of metal
- plate with gold or silver
- plate with metal
- plated
- plated scale-word
- plated scale-work
- platform
- plating
- plating metal
- plaudit
- plaudits
- play
- play a flute
- play a game
- play a game of draughts
- play a harp
- play a musical instrument
- play a sistrum
- play a zither
- play an instrument
- play an instrument of music
- play an instrument or sing to a dance
- play at draughts
- play music
- play the flute
- play the fool
- play the harp
- play the king or nobleman
- play the orator
- play the sistrum
- play the tambourine
- player
- players
- players on an instrument
- playfully
- plead
- pleader
- pleading