Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - P
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | P
Dictionary phrases starting with 'p':
2185 matching phrases foundPage 5 of 22
- pectoral amulet
- pectoral of mother of emerald
- pectorals
- pedestal
- pedestal of a statue
- pedestal of an obelisk
- pee
- peed
- peeing
- peep
- pees
- peg
- peg out a snare
- pegs
- pegs or stakes of a net or snare
- Pekht or Pekhit
- pelican
- pellet
- pellets
- pelt
- pelts
- Pelusium
- Pelusium; a portion of the temple of Denderah
- pen
- pendant
- pendent
- penetrate
- penetrate mysteries
- peninsula
- peninsulas
- penis
- penises
- people
- people alien and hostile to Egypt
- people attached to the service of the god
- people in general
- people of a country
- people of Heker
- people of Northern Syria
- people of Punt
- people of the Two Lands
- people or country of Northern Syria
- people or district of Syria
- people registered for the corvee
- people told him their affairs
- people who are in the habit of frequenting a place
- people who are provided with goods
- peoples
- peoples in the South
- peoples on the land
- peoples or tribes from the interior
- pepper
- peppermint
- perceive
- perception
- perch
- perched
- perches
- perching
- perdition
- perennial
- perennials
- perfect
- perfect filler of the heart
- perfect for ever
- perfect in the knowledge of spells
- perfect of tongue
- perfected
- perfected souls
- perfection
- perfections
- perforate
- perforate a body
- perform a ceremony
- perform a service of praise
- perform a task well
- perform acrobatic feats
- perform duties
- perform feats of horsemanship
- perform field service
- perform gymnastics
- perform his daily task
- perform magical ceremonies with a view of securing protection from evil
- perform magical ceremonies with the view of obtaining life and the protection of the god
- perform rites
- perform the ceremonies that effect their resurrection
- perform the ceremony of opening the mouth
- perform what one has sworn to do
- performance of a ceremony in which myrrh was offered
- performed
- performer
- performers
- performing
- performs
- perfume
- perfume pot
- perfumed oil
- perfumes
- pergola
- pergolas