Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - P
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | P
Dictionary phrases starting with 'p':
2185 matching phrases foundPage 2 of 22
- palm of the hand as a measure
- palm shoots
- palm sticks
- palm tree
- palm trees
- palm wine
- palm-leaf mat
- palm-leaves
- palm-stick
- palms
- palpitate
- pals
- palsy
- pan of scales
- pan of the scales
- panegyric
- panegyrics
- Panopolis
- pant
- panther
- panther skin
- panthers
- pantry
- papers
- papyri
- papyrus
- papyrus cord or rope
- papyrus nilotica
- papyrus plant
- papyrus roll
- papyrus rolls
- papyrus shoots
- papyrus stalk
- papyrus swamp
- par excellence
- parable
- parables
- paradise
- paradises
- paralyse with fear
- paralysed or spell-bound
- paralytic
- paralyze
- paralyze with fear
- paralyzed or spell-bound
- paraschistes
- parasol
- parcel of land
- parcel of sacred ground
- parcels of land
- parch
- parched
- parched fields
- parched ground
- parched soil
- parchment
- parchments
- parent
- parent of Menu
- parition
- park
- paroxysm
- part
- part crocodile
- part lion
- part o fa boat
- part of a bed
- part of a boat
- part of a boat or ship
- part of a boat's tackle
- part of a book
- part of a building
- part of a chariot
- part of a collar
- part of a crown
- part of a crown or diadem
- part of a door
- part of a doorway
- part of a dowry
- part of a fowling net
- part of a grasshopper
- part of a ladder
- part of a large building
- part of a papyrus plant
- part of a plant
- part of a ramp or inclined plane
- part of a rudder
- part of a sail
- part of a ship
- part of a ship or boat
- part of a ship's tackle
- part of a shrine
- part of a square cloth
- part of a staff
- part of a temple
- part of a temple court
- part of a wagon
- part of a wagon or chariot
- part of a whip
- part of an inclined plane