Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - P
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | P
Dictionary phrases starting with 'p':
2185 matching phrases foundPage 19 of 22
- prince or chief by birth
- princes
- princess
- princess of Mitani
- princess of the Kheta
- principal
- principal and interest
- principals
- printed
- printing
- prior to
- prison
- prison at the gate
- prison closed chambers
- prison-house
- prisoner
- prisoner of war
- prisoners
- prisons
- prithee
- private chamber
- private part of a building
- private parts
- private room
- private soldiers
- privilege
- prize of victory
- probably in the Wadi Tumilat
- problem
- problems
- procedure
- proceed
- proceed from
- proceeded
- proceeding
- proceeds
- procession in which a god or king is shown to the people
- procession of boats
- proclaim
- proclaim a name or title
- proclaim the name
- proclaimer
- proclaimers
- proclamation
- procreate
- procreated
- procreates
- procreating
- procreation
- procure the acquittal of someone
- prod
- prodded
- prodding
- prods
- produce
- produce a sweet smell
- produce air
- produce an emission of seed irregularly
- produce of a country
- produce of tilled lands
- produced
- produced by
- produced by the lady of the house
- producer
- producer of [his] children
- producer of all the gods
- producers
- produces
- producing
- producing great quantities of grain
- product
- product of Punt
- product of Syria
- product of the enchanted island
- product of the Sudan
- production
- products
- products both natural and artificial things
- products of
- products of a country
- products of Arabia and Punt
- products of Egypt
- products of every land
- products of Sudan
- profession
- professional
- professional men
- professional mourner
- professional mourners
- professional nurse
- professional soldier
- professional wailers or mourners
- professionals
- profit
- profondeur dans le sens horizontal
- progenitor
- progeny
- progress
- progress favorable in sickness
- progressed