Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - P
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | P
Dictionary phrases starting with 'p':
2185 matching phrases foundPage 17 of 22
- pour out
- pour out a cleansing liquid
- pour out a libation
- pour out blood
- pour out by drops
- pour out libations
- pour out water
- pour out water or seed
- poured
- poured out
- poured out like water
- pouring
- pouring out
- pours
- pours out
- poverty
- powder
- powdered ocher
- powdered ochre
- powdered substance
- powders
- power
- Power of Nature
- Power of Powers
- powerful
- powerful animal
- powerful bird
- powerless
- powers
- pportable shrine or naos
- practice
- practice right
- practice the craft of the artist
- praise
- praise of any kind
- praise to adore
- praise to heap up
- praised
- praisers
- praises
- praising
- prance
- pranced
- prances
- prancing
- prasing
- pray
- pray for
- pray to
- pray to have a wrong righted
- pray with a pure heart
- prayed
- prayer
- prayers
- prayers painted in colors
- praying
- prays
- pre-eminence
- preach
- precede
- preceding
- precept
- precepts
- precinct
- precincts
- precious
- precious stone
- precious stone of the South
- precious stone of white color
- precious stone used in inlaying
- precipice
- precipitation
- precise
- predecessor
- predecessors
- predestinate
- predict
- preface
- prefix used to mark fractions
- prefixed to words
- pregnancy
- pregnant
- pregnant goddess or woman
- pregnant woman
- pregnant women
- prejudice
- preparation
- preparation of copper
- prepare
- prepare a path
- prepare anointing oil
- prepare bread
- prepare drink
- prepare food
- prepared
- prepared oil
- prepared stone
- preparedness
- preposition
- preposition: for