Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - M
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | M
Dictionary phrases starting with 'm':
1348 matching phrases foundPage 8 of 14
- medicine to be taken at once
- medicine which is a speedy remedy
- medicines
- meditate
- meditation
- Mediterranean country and people
- Mediterranean people
- Medum
- meet
- meet together
- Megiddo
- Mehnit
- melon plant
- melons the figs of the persea tree
- melt
- melt away
- melt by fire
- member
- member of a bodyguard
- member of council in the temples
- member of council or of a college
- member of the body
- member of the bodyguard of Ra
- member of the corvee
- member of the divine bodyguard
- member of the god's body-guard
- member of the triad of Heroopolis
- members
- members of a bodyguard
- members of the body
- members of the corvee
- members of the god's body-guard
- memorandum
- memorial
- memorial building
- memorial service
- memorial slab
- memorial slabs
- memorial stele
- memorial stone
- memorial tablet
- memorial tablet or stone
- memorial tablets
- memorial tablets or stones
- memorials
- memory
- Memphis
- men
- men and women
- men and women a class of spirits
- men and women immerse in fire head downwards
- men and women immersed in fire head downwards
- men and women of a bygone age
- men attached to a royal granary
- men attached to the temple
- men bowing in homage
- men employed in government storehouses
- men hung from a barge head downwards
- men in charge of drinks
- men in general
- men in the advance guard
- men learned in the most sacred mysteries
- men naturally bad
- men of books
- men of God
- men of guilt
- men of noble qualities
- men of nothing
- men of rank and dignity
- men of the cloth
- men of the Nubian Desert
- men of violence
- men of wealth
- men paying homage
- men provided with stores
- men who can be kept quiet
- men who can tie on a head that has been cut off
- men who conspire
- men who have been beaten or bastinadoed
- men who kept the road clear for processions
- men who know
- men who pay rent or taxes
- men who praise
- men who recite the praises of the dead at funerals
- mena
- Menchit
- Mendes
- Menes
- Menhet
- Menkhet
- Menkit
- menses
- mental discomfort
- mental loathing
- mental or physical
- mental pain
- mental sickness
- Menu
- Menu + Amen-Ra + Kamephis
- Menu + Horus