Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - M
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | M
Dictionary phrases starting with 'm':
1348 matching phrases foundPage 7 of 14
- mats
- matter
- matter of the body
- matter of the day
- matter which has to be explained
- matters
- matters of the day
- matters which have to be explained
- mattocks hoes
- matu tinal
- maturity
- mausoleum
- mausoleums
- Maut
- maxim
- May I rejoice!
- Mayet
- mayor
- me
- meadow
- meadow land
- meadows
- Meae
- meal
- meal flour
- meal of reconciliation
- meals
- meals for the dead
- mean
- mean of means
- meaning doubtful
- meaning something like bearer of the seal of the king of the North
- meaning something like homage to thee
- meaning unknown
- meaningless chatter
- means
- means of keeping alive
- means of subsistence
- measure
- measure = 4 palms = 16 fingers
- measure a road
- measure fire-drill
- measure for cloth
- measure for corn
- measure for dates
- measure for honey equal to one quarter of a hin
- measure for liquids
- measure grain
- measure land
- measure of 160 henu
- measure of corn
- measure of land
- measure of land = 1/4 arura or 2
- measure of land = 100 cubits
- measure of length
- measure of some kind
- measure of wine
- measure pannier
- measure vessel
- measure with a cord
- measure with cord
- measured
- measured quantity
- measurements
- measurer
- measurer of the hour
- measurer of time
- measures
- measuring cord
- measuring cord or rope
- measuring cords or ropes
- measuring instrument
- measuring line
- measuring rod
- measuring stick or cord
- meat
- meat and drink
- meat and drink offering
- meat and drink offerings
- meat offering
- meat ration
- meats
- medcine for the eyes
- medical matters
- medical plant
- medical solution
- medicaments
- medicated tablets
- medicinal cakes or tablets
- medicinal plant
- medicinal plant and the unguent made from it
- medicinal plants
- medicinal plants or seeds
- medicinal seed
- medicinal solution
- medicinal wood or bark
- medicine
- medicine for the eyes
- medicine for the heart
- medicine in which a beetle is an ingredient