Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - M
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'm':
1348 matching phrases foundPage 13 of 14
- mouth of the valley - a name given to the entrance of several valleys
- Mouth pacifying the land - title of an official
- mouth to mouth
- mouthful of bread
- mouths
- move
- move about
- move about quickly
- move away from
- move from place to place
- move onward
- move out of place
- move quickly
- move rapidly
- move slowly
- move towards or away
- move up and down
- move with long strides
- move with trepidation
- moved
- moved or incited by ill-feeling or envy
- mover of stone
- movers of stone
- moves
- moving
- mssage
- much
- much or many
- mucous membrane
- mud
- mud of a stream
- mud-flat
- muddle
- mudir
- mulberries
- mulberry
- mulct
- mule
- mules
- mules goats
- mullet
- mullets
- multiple
- multiplication
- multiply
- multiply buildings
- multiplying speech
- multitiude
- multitude
- multitudes
- multitudinous
- mummies
- mummified
- mummified body
- mummify
- mummy
- mummy bandages
- mummy case
- mummy cases
- mummy equipment
- mummy swathings
- municipalities
- municipality
- muniment room
- mural designs with descriptive texts
- murder
- murdered
- murderer
- murderers
- murdering
- murders
- murmurs
- muscle
- muscles
- muscular
- music
- musical entertainers
- musical instrument
- musical instruments
- musician
- musicians
- must
- mustache
- mustard
- muster an army
- muster levies of soldiers
- muster soldiers
- musty
- Mut
- Mut in the horizon of heaven
- mutilation
- mutt
- mutter an incantation
- mutter incantations
- mutts
- muzzle
- my
- my daily food
- my mother and father
- my own body or person