Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - M
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'm':
1348 matching phrases foundPage 12 of 14
- morning meal
- morning star
- morning stars
- morning work
- morsel
- mortal man
- mortal men
- mortals
- mortar
- mortuary mason
- mosaic
- mosaic pavement
- Moschion
- Moses
- mosquito
- most accurate counting
- most assuredly
- most assuredy there cannot be done
- most august
- most beautiful of all
- most brave
- most certainly
- most excellently
- most fearful
- most holy
- most sacred part of a temple
- most strong
- most terrible
- most terrifying
- most truthful
- most valuable of all
- most victorious
- most wicked
- mother
- mother of a cow-goddess
- mother of a Horus
- mother of Apis
- mother of cities
- mother of emerald
- mother of Horus
- mother of mothers
- mother of Shu
- mother of the calf
- mother of the god
- mother of the god [Horus]
- mother of the wife
- mother ofthe wife
- mother-cow
- mother-of-emerald
- mother-of-pearl beads
- mother's mother
- motherless
- mothers
- motion
- motioned
- motioning
- motionless
- motionless god
- motions
- mould
- mould bricks
- moulder
- mound
- mound raised up against a besieged city
- mounds
- mounds thrown up around a besieged city
- mount
- mount an object in metal
- mount of Sunrise
- mount of the Golden Horus
- mount of the horns of the earth
- mount on the back of an animal for sacrifice
- mount up
- mountain
- mountain district
- mountain dweller
- mountain in Northern Syria
- mountain in Syria
- mountain in the 4th Aat
- mountain in the 7th Aat
- mountain of god
- mountain pass
- mountain peak
- mountain-goddess
- mountaineers
- mountains
- mounted soldier
- mounts
- mourn
- mourner
- mourners
- mourning
- mourning apparel
- mouse
- Mout
- mouth
- mouth of a canal
- mouth of the god
- mouth of the land of life
- mouth of the Nile