Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - L
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'l':
945 matching phrases foundPage 9 of 10
- lookout place
- loop
- loops
- loose
- loosen
- lord
- lord and master
- lord it over someone
- lord of
- lord of a load
- lord of Ament
- lord of Amentt - a title of Osiris
- lord of blood
- lord of blood - a title of Ra
- lord of books
- Lord of Busiris
- lord of coronations - a title of Ra who ascended his throne daily
- lord of creation - a title of several great gods
- lord of Elephantine and Philae
- Lord of Eternity
- lord of eternity - a title of Osiris
- lord of hearts
- lord of Khai
- lord of Khatt
- Lord of Lands
- lord of law
- lord of life
- lord of life - a title of Osiris
- Lord of Life in Abydos
- lord of men
- Lord of Might
- lord of mortals - a title of Osiris
- lord of rays - a title of Ra
- lord of risings
- lord of running
- lord of sacred words
- Lord of Sais
- lord of service
- Lord of Spirit-souls
- lord of the artist's designing and painting room
- lord of the cemetery
- lord of the coffin - a title of Osiris
- lord of the Crowns of the South and North - a royal title
- lord of the deserts
- lord of the divine Word
- lord of the eyes - a title of Beautiful Face
- lord of the fields of emerald - a title of Horus
- lord of the harpoon
- lord of the holy land
- lord of the horizon
- lord of the horizon - Horus or Ra
- lord of the house
- lord of the ladder - a title of Horus
- Lord of the Land of Life
- lord of the long stride - a title of a god
- lord of the necropolis of Memphis
- lord of the phallus
- lord of the serekh
- lord of the throne of the Two Lands
- lord of the two horns - a title of Osiris
- lord of the Two Lands
- lord of the wing
- lord of the zenith
- lord of years - a title of Osiris
- Lord to limit of the earth
- lords
- lords of altars loaded with offerings
- lords of destiny
- lords of names
- lords of strength
- lords of the North
- lore of books
- lose
- lose the way
- loss
- lost
- lost ones
- lost or destroyed
- lot
- loti
- lotion
- lots
- lotus
- lotus flower
- lotus in bloom
- lotus lily
- lotuses
- loud-voiced
- louse
- lovable
- love
- love apple
- love joys
- love pleasures
- love-spells or love-letters
- love-women
- loved
- loved one
- lovely
- lover