Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - L
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | L
Dictionary phrases starting with 'l':
945 matching phrases foundPage 6 of 10
- light in weight
- light of dawn
- light or worthless
- light swift boat
- light up
- light upon
- light-circle
- light-emitter
- light-giver
- light-god
- light-god in the temple of Seker
- light-god in the Tuat
- light-god of the 7th Pylon
- light-goddess
- light-goddess of dawn
- light-minded
- light-minded man
- light-shooting star
- light-tower
- light-towers
- lighted
- lighten
- lightened
- lightening
- lightens
- lighter
- lightgiver
- lighthouse
- lighthouses
- lighting
- lightly armed infantry who guarded the frontiers
- lightning
- lightning-gods
- lightning-stone
- lights
- like
- like bees abounding in honey
- like clay
- like him who
- like Neith
- like someone or something
- like that which
- like the Heb
- like the modern cam-wood unguent used in the Sudan
- like them
- like this
- like what did they do? i.e.
- like what?
- like what? how?
- likeable
- likeness
- likenesses
- likes
- likewise
- lily
- lily buds
- lily knosps
- lily of feldspar
- lily water
- limb
- limb or member of the body
- limbs
- limestone
- limit
- limit of the earth
- limitation
- limitations
- limitless
- limitless eternity
- limits
- limner
- limner of Amen
- limner of the house of gold
- limner of the temple of Ptah
- limp
- line
- linen
- linen bandlet
- linen chest
- linen cloth
- linen cloth of all kinds
- linen cloth or garment
- linen for sacred purposes
- linen garment
- linen of the finest quality
- linen strainer
- linen thread
- linen-chest
- lines
- linger
- link
- linked
- linking
- links
- lion
- lion fire-god
- lion strength
- lion wiht a fierce eye that fascinates
- lion with a fierce eye that fascinates
- lion-god