Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - L
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | L
Dictionary phrases starting with 'l':
945 matching phrases foundPage 5 of 10
- letter scribe
- letters
- lettuce
- level
- lever
- levies
- levies from districts
- levy
- levy a tax
- levy taxes
- lewd
- liability
- liable to tax or tribute
- liar
- liars
- libaration
- libation
- libation basin
- libation bucket
- libation chamber
- libation chambers
- libation jar
- libation jars
- libation priest
- libation tank
- libation vase
- libation vessel
- libation vessels
- libationer
- libationers
- libations
- librarian
- library
- Libya
- Libyan
- Libyan foe of Rameses III
- Libyan king
- Libyan king who attacked Rameses III
- Libyan name
- Libyan proper name
- Libyan soldiers
- Libyan title
- Libyan tribe or people
- Libyan unguent
- Libyan woman
- Libyans
- lice
- lick up
- lie
- lie 9?)
- lie at full length
- lie down
- lie down to sleep or in death
- lie on the back
- lie prone
- lie prostrate
- lied
- lied down
- lier-in-wait
- lies
- lies down
- lieutenant
- lieutenants
- life
- life and content for ever!
- life of millions of years
- life of the Two Lands
- life of Thebes
- Life of theTwo Lands
- life personified
- life up the feet in flight
- lifetime
- lifetime upon lifetime
- lift
- lift away
- lift oneself up
- lift the feet in trespass
- lift the hand
- lift up
- lift up an offering to a god
- lift up into heaven
- lift up on high
- lift up the face
- lift up the hand and arm
- lifted
- lifted up
- lifting
- lifts
- ligament
- ligaments
- ligature
- ligatures
- light
- light a fire
- light a fire for cooking purposes
- light a lamp
- light being
- light beings
- light breeze
- light colored grain from which beer was made