Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - L
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | L
Dictionary phrases starting with 'l':
945 matching phrases foundPage 1 of 10
- la mise en livre
- labor
- labor in the field
- laboratory
- laborer
- laborer in a palm grove
- laborers
- laborers in general
- lace
- lace up
- lack
- lack air
- lack courage
- lack of water
- lack strength
- lacked
- lacking
- lacking evil
- lacking water
- lacks
- lacuna
- lad waste
- ladder
- laden
- laden one
- ladies
- lady
- lady in a harim
- lady of eternity
- lady of high birth
- lady of high rank
- lady of horses
- Lady of Life - the Necropolis of Thebes
- Lady of Sais
- lady of silence - the goddess of the necropolis
- Lady of the house
- Lady of the Sycamore - a title of Nut or Hathor
- ladyof the house
- lagoon
- lagoons
- laid back
- laid down
- laid out
- laid waste
- lair
- lair of an animal
- lairs
- lairs of an animal
- lake
- lake at Edfu
- lake at Heliopolis
- lake district in the Fayum
- lake district in the Mendesian Nome
- lake full of green plants in Sekhet-Aaru
- lake full of scented flowers in the Tuat
- lake in Heliopolis
- lake in Sekhet Aaru
- lake in Sekhet-Aaru
- lake in the 15th Nome of Upper Egypt
- lake in the Delta
- lake in the Fayyum
- lake in the Great Oasis
- lake in the Nome Tuf
- lake in the Oasis of Khargah
- lake in the Other World
- lake in the Other World from which the blessed drank
- lake in the Tuat
- lake in the Tuat in which the righteous bathed
- lake in Western Thebes near the Ramesseum
- Lake Moeris
- Lake Moeris in the Fayyum
- lake near the town of Rameses in the Delta
- lake of boiling water in the Tuat
- lake of fire
- lake of fire in the Tuat
- lake of Horus
- lake of Isis
- lake of Life
- lake of Light in the Tuat
- lake of Osiris
- lake of Perfection
- lake of Propitiation
- lake of the Speakers of the truth
- lake of the Wicked
- lake of Truth
- lake or canal
- lake or canal near Tanis
- lake or settlement in Sekhet-Aaru
- Lake Timsah
- lake wherein the righteous bathed
- lake with wild fowl
- lake-god
- lakes
- lakes of the smen geese
- lakes of turquoise
- lakeshore
- lakeshores
- lamb
- lame
- lame a disease of the leg