Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - I
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | I
Dictionary phrases starting with 'i':
668 matching phrases foundPage 7 of 7
- irrigated land
- irrigation
- irrigation channels
- irrigation officer
- irrigator
- irritant
- irritants
- irritate
- irritated
- irritates
- irritating
- is finished successfully
- is it that not?
- is not
- is the name of the Sun-god at the 2nd hour of the day
- is thy name what?
- Ishtar
- Isis
- Isis + Sothis
- Isis and Nephthys
- Isis and Nephthys in ape forms
- Isis and Nepthys
- Isis in all names
- Isis in the Holy Land
- Isis in the kingdom of Seker
- Isis the Avenger
- Isis the Great
- Isis-Anubis in Tept
- island
- island in the Nile
- island near Memphis
- Island of Asi
- Island of Aufras
- Island of Rek
- Island of the north
- Island of truth
- islands
- islands of the Eastern Mediterranean
- islands of the Mediterranean
- islands of the sea
- isle
- isles
- islet
- islets
- Israelites
- issue
- issue commands
- issue orders
- issues
- it
- it also serves to mark an explanation
- it hath gone out in peace
- it is a case for punishment
- it is a very real mystery
- it is related that
- it is said
- it shall not succeed
- it which is in
- itching of the mouth
- ithyphallic god akin to Menu
- ithyphallic god of generation
- ithyphallic man-headed hawk-god
- its
- its beginning to its end
- its god was Horas
- its god was Horus
- ivory
- ivory tusks and tooth