Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - I
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | I
Dictionary phrases starting with 'i':
668 matching phrases foundPage 6 of 7
- intellectual abilities
- intelligence
- intelligent face
- intention
- intentions
- intercessor with Ra for men
- interest
- interest on money
- interior
- interior of the body
- interject
- interjected
- interjection
- interjection O!
- interjects
- internal disturbance of the body
- internal organ
- internal organ of the body
- internal organs
- interpreter
- interrogate
- interrogative particle
- interrogative particle: Why? what? in what manner? wherefore? how?
- interrogative perticle
- intersection
- intersections
- intertwine
- intertwined
- intertwines
- intertwining
- interval
- interval of rest
- intestinal worms
- intestine
- intestines
- intimate friend
- intimate or chef friend
- intimate or chief friend
- intimates
- into
- into the presence of someone
- into the presenceof someone
- intransient
- introduce
- introducer
- introduces a quotation
- introduction
- inundate
- inundated
- inundates
- inundating
- inundation
- Inundation-god
- inundations
- invade
- invade a country
- invade a country frequently
- invade a nation
- invaded
- invader
- invaders
- invades
- invasion
- inventories
- inventory
- inventory of goods for testamentary purposes
- invert
- investigate
- investigation
- investigator
- invisible
- invisible dog-faced god
- invisible form
- invisible god in the House of Osiris who burned up the enemies of Osiris
- invite
- invocated
- invocates
- invocating
- invocation
- invocations
- invoke
- invoked
- invoker
- invokes
- invoking
- involved
- invulnerable
- ion-god
- Ionia
- Ionia and the Ionians
- irascibility
- irascible
- iris
- iron
- iron of the sky
- iron tool or instrument
- iron weapons
- irrational
- irresistible
- irrigate