Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - G
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'g':
1324 matching phrases foundPage 7 of 14
- goddess in Sekhet-Aaru
- goddess in the 17th Pylon
- goddess in the Circle Hapseshmus
- goddess in the circle Hep-seshemu-s
- goddess in the Circle Hetepet-neb-per-s
- goddess in the Tuat
- goddess in the Tuat with her face turned behind her
- goddess Mehennit
- goddess of agricultural produce
- goddess of Busiris
- goddess of Buto
- goddess of childbirth
- goddess of Denderah
- goddess of destruction
- goddess of destruction who took the form of a cat or lion
- goddess of Edfu
- goddess of food
- goddess of heaven
- goddess of Heliopolis
- goddess of Hetep-hemt
- goddess of letters
- goddess of life
- goddess of Lower Egypt
- goddess of Mesqet
- goddess of milch cows
- goddess of milk cows
- goddess of Nekhebet
- goddess of nurses and children
- goddess of offerings
- goddess of offerings and a friend of the dead
- goddess of Ombos
- goddess of Panopolis with the attributes of Rait and Tefnut
- goddess of perfume
- goddess of Philae
- goddess of Punt
- goddess of Red Mountain
- goddess of reproduction and resurrection
- goddess of resurrection
- goddess of Sekhet-Aaru
- goddess of Sma-Beht
- goddess of spells and enchantments
- goddess of strength
- goddess of Tet-t
- goddess of the 10th hour of the day
- goddess of the 10th hour of the night
- goddess of the 12th hour of the night
- goddess of the 14th day of the month
- goddess of the 14th Pylon
- goddess of the 17th Pylon
- goddess of the 1st Gate
- goddess of the 1st hour of the night
- goddess of the 1st month
- goddess of the 27th day of the month
- goddess of the 2nd hour of the day
- goddess of the 2nd season of the Egyptian year
- goddess of the 3rd hour of the day
- goddess of the 3rd hour of the day; goddess of the 10th hour of the night
- goddess of the 4th hour of the night
- goddess of the Circle Hep-seshemu-s
- goddess of the circle Hetepet-neb-per-s
- goddess of the dead
- goddess of the desert
- goddess of the East
- goddess of the escort of Ra
- goddess of the fields and their produce - a form of Hathor and Isis
- goddess of the fire-pits in the Tuat
- goddess of the First Cataract
- goddess of the first season
- goddess of the Gates in the earth
- goddess of the Inundation
- goddess of the Mesqet
- goddess of the Natron Valley
- goddess of the necropolis of Memphis and Abydos
- goddess of the NIle-flood
- goddess of the olive tree
- goddess of the place near Abydos where Osiris died
- goddess of the Red Land
- goddess of the royal crown
- goddess of the South
- goddess of the town of Pu
- goddess of the Tuat of Anu
- goddess of the turquoise land
- goddess of the Utchat
- goddess of Upper Egypt
- goddess of vegetation and gardens
- goddess of war and of the chase
- goddess ofthe first season
- goddess seated on two serpents
- goddess who assisted at the resurrection of Osiris
- goddess who befriended the dead
- goddess who brought the pupils of the Eyes of Horus
- goddess who gave drink to the dead
- goddess who hid the deceased
- goddess who is mentioned with Sekhmit
- goddess who is mentioned with Sekmit
- goddess who kept the register of the punishments inflicted on the foes of Osiris
- goddess who lived on the blood of the dead
- goddess who opened the mouth of the deceased
- goddess who presided over the buttocks
- goddess who re-joined the members of the dead