Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - G
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | G
Dictionary phrases starting with 'g':
1324 matching phrases foundPage 5 of 14
- god of Hensu
- god of his domain
- god of Kher-Aha
- god of law
- god of learning
- god of learning and letters
- god of learning and one of the seven divine sages
- god of Letopolis
- god of letters
- god of letters and learning
- god of Maati city
- god of marsh produce and sea produce
- god of marshes and waterfowl
- god of meat and drink
- god of Memphis
- god of offerings
- god of Ombos
- god of one of the Dekans
- god of one of the seaons of the year
- god of one of the seasons of the year
- god of one thousand [years]
- god of ploughing in the Tuat
- god of plowing in the Tuat
- god of procreation and generative power
- god of raiment and funerary swathings
- god of Rastau
- god of Restau
- god of Sekhet-Aaru
- god of Sheten
- god of Shnar in the Delta
- god of slaughter
- god of spells and guardian of the 3rd Gate of the Tuat
- god of storm
- god of sudani origin
- god of terror
- god of the 10th day of the month
- god of the 10th hour of the night
- god of the 11th Pylon
- god of the 13th day of the month
- god of the 14th Aat
- god of the 15th day of the month
- god of the 21st Pylon
- god of the 2nd Aat
- god of the 2nd day of the month
- god of the 5th Pylon
- god of the 6th Aat
- god of the 6th day of the month
- god of the 6th hour of the night
- god of the 7th Aat
- god of the 7th Gate
- god of the 7th hour of the night
- god of the 8th day of the month
- god of the 8th hour of the day
- god of the 9th Gate
- god of the 9th hour of the day
- god of the abyss
- god of the Arsinoite Nome
- god of the boat of Pakhit
- god of the boat Pakht
- god of the breast
- god of the cardinal point of the north
- god of the celestial ocean
- god of the circle Hetemit-Khemiu
- god of the Circle Seherit-baiu-s
- god of the Circle Sehert-baiu-s
- god of the crescent moon and of conception
- god of the dawn
- god of the dead
- god of the divine
- god of the east gate of heaven
- god of the Eastern Delta
- god of the Fayyum
- god of the fire-stick and maker of fire
- god of the Gate Saa-Set
- god of the lake of Fire
- god of the morning
- god of the net of the Akeru gods
- god of the net of the Akeru-gods
- god of the northern cardinal point
- god of the offerings
- god of the Qerti
- god of the seal
- god of the seasons
- god of the serpent
- god of the serpent Shemti
- god of the serpent Tepi
- god of the setting sun
- god of the solar disk
- god of the South
- god of the south wind
- god of the swamp
- god of the Thigh
- god of the thunder and earthquakes
- god of the torture chamber
- god of the Tuat
- god of the Utchat
- god of the western heaven and earth and protector of the liver and gall-bladder
- god of Thebes specially associated with Khensu
- god of travelers
- god of Truth