Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - F
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'f':
1327 matching phrases foundPage 10 of 14
- forces
- ford
- fore part
- fore part of bull
- fore parts
- fore-arm
- fore-god of a beast
- fore-knowleddge
- fore-leg
- fore-leg of a beast
- fore-leg of an animal
- forearem
- forearm
- forearms
- forecourt
- forecourt of a house or temple
- forecourts
- forefathers
- forefinger
- forefingers
- forefront
- forefronts
- forehead
- foreign
- foreign bowmen
- foreign city
- foreign countries
- foreign country
- foreign dancing women
- foreign district
- foreign land
- foreign lands
- foreign lands of the south
- foreign lands of the west
- foreign name
- foreign nations
- Foreign Office messenger
- foreign or alien
- foreign people
- foreign people or nation
- foreign people or tribe
- foreign peoples
- foreign person
- foreign potentate
- foreign potentates
- foreign rebels
- foreign settlements
- foreign soldier
- foreign soldiers
- foreign speech
- foreign tribe or nation
- foreign tribe or people
- foreign tribes and people
- foreign tribes and peoples
- foreigner
- foreigner prisoner
- foreigner prisooner
- foreigner speaker of a foreign tongue
- foreigners
- foreignland
- foreleg
- foreman
- foremen
- foremost
- forerunner
- foreskins
- forest
- forests
- forever
- forevermore
- forge
- forget
- forgetfulness
- forked staff
- form
- form a property or estate
- form of Aapep
- form of Aepep
- form of Af
- form of Af the dead Sun-god
- form of Afu-Ra
- form of Amen
- form of Amen and Ra
- form of Amen worshiped in Nubia
- form of Amen worshiped in the Sudan
- form of Amen worshipped in Nubia
- form of Amen worshipped in the Sudan
- form of Amen worshipped inthe Sudan
- form of Amen-Ra
- form of Ament
- form of Amentt
- form of Anqit
- form of Anubis
- form of Bastt
- form of Bes
- form of darkness at the 2nd door of the dark road to Sais
- form of evil
- form of Geb
- form of Harpokrates
- form of Hathor