Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - E
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'e':
769 matching phrases foundPage 7 of 8
- exact
- exactly facing
- exactly opposite
- exaggerate
- exalt
- exalt oneself
- exalted
- exalted condition
- exalted honor
- exalted one
- Exalted one - a title of Ra
- exalting
- exalts
- examine
- examine a patient by the touch
- examine carefully
- examine into
- Examiner
- examining
- exasperate
- excavate
- excavated
- excavates
- excavating
- excavation
- excavator
- exceedingly
- exceedingly mighty
- excel
- excellence
- excellences
- excellent
- excellent hearted
- excellently
- except
- except only
- except thyself
- exception
- exceptional
- excess
- excess greatly
- excessive saliva
- exchange
- exchange speech
- excitable man
- excited
- excited with love or passion
- excitement
- exclaim
- exclamation
- exclamation of grief
- exclusive of
- excrement
- excrement in general
- excrement of crocodiles
- excretions
- excuse
- execute
- execution
- execution chamber
- executioner
- executioners
- exercise a right
- exercise care
- exercise or enjoy a dignity
- exercise the functions of a certain office
- exercise the goldsmith's craft
- exercise the potter's craft
- exert pressure
- exhaust
- exhausted
- exhausted man
- exhausting
- exhaustion
- exile orphan
- exiles
- exist
- existed
- existence
- existing
- existing in the beginning
- exists
- exit
- exited
- exiting
- exits
- exorcise
- exorcist
- exorcists
- expand
- expand the lungs
- expanded
- expanding
- expands
- expansion
- expansion of heart
- expectant
- expectant mother
- expectant woman
- expedient