Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - D
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | D
Dictionary phrases starting with 'd':
1415 matching phrases foundPage 7 of 15
- disarrange
- disarranged
- disarranged hair
- disaster
- disasters
- discern
- discerned
- discerning
- discerns
- discharge a debt or obligation
- discharge a duty or debt
- discharge of a debt
- discomfort
- discontented
- discouragement
- discourse
- discover
- discovered
- discovering
- discovers
- discuss
- disease
- disease caused by a goddess
- disease of some kind which is accompanied by boils or sores
- disease of the belly
- disease of the eye
- disease of the eyes
- disease of the feet
- disease of the genital organs
- disease of the mouth
- disease of the Ningal
- disease of the sexual organs
- disease of the side
- disease of the skin
- disease of the thigh
- disease of the womb
- disease or ailment of the nose
- disease or illness
- diseased
- diseased condition of the eye
- diseases
- disembowel a beast
- disentangle
- disentangle a difficult matter
- disfavor
- disgrace
- disgraceful
- disguise
- disguise oneself
- disguised
- disguises
- disguising
- disgust
- disgusted
- disgusting
- disgusting or stinking thing
- disgusts
- dish
- disheartened
- dishes
- disheveled
- dishevelled locks
- dishonor
- dishonored
- disk
- disk goddess and one of the seven goddesses who supported the sky
- disk of the sun
- disk with two horns
- disks
- dislike
- disloyal
- dismantle
- dismayed
- dismember
- dismembered
- dismembering
- dismembers
- dismiss
- disobedient
- disorder
- disordered apparel
- disparage
- disparaged
- disparaging
- dispel
- dispensation
- disperse
- disposal
- dispose
- disposers
- disposition
- dispositions
- disputant
- dispute
- disquietude
- disregard
- disregarded
- dissemble
- dissolve
- dissolved