Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - D
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | D
Dictionary phrases starting with 'd':
1415 matching phrases foundPage 5 of 15
- desertion
- design
- designate
- designated
- designates
- designating
- designer
- designer of the temple of Ptah
- designers
- designs
- desire
- desired
- desolate
- despair
- despairing
- despatch
- despatch a mission
- despatch an armed force
- despatches
- despicable
- despicable and accursed being
- despise
- despised
- despoil
- despoiled
- destine
- destiny
- destitute
- destitute man
- destitute of
- destitute of strength
- destitution
- destroy
- destroy a god in his shrine
- destroy by fire
- destroyed
- destroyer
- destroyer of heart-souls
- destroyer of rebels
- Destroyer of sin
- destroyer of spirit-souls
- destroyer of the bodies of the dead
- destroyer of the dead
- destroyers
- destroying
- destroys
- destruction
- destruction of sensuality
- destructive
- destructive fury
- detach
- detailed statement
- detain
- detainee
- detainees
- determine
- determined
- determined speech
- detestable
- dethrone
- dethroned
- dethrones
- dethroning
- detract
- detracted
- detracting
- detracts
- develop
- developed
- developing
- develops
- device
- devil
- devil in general
- devil in the 7th Pylon of the Tuat
- devil of sickness
- devil who caused sickness
- devilish man
- devils
- devise
- devise a plan
- devise plans
- devoted
- devoted before the god
- devour
- devoured
- devourer
- devourer - an epithet of the crocodile
- devourers
- devouring
- devours
- dew
- dewdrop
- dewy
- Dhu 'l-Karnen
- dhurra
- dhurra for making beer
- diadem
- diarrhea
- diarrhoea