Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - D
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | D
Dictionary phrases starting with 'd':
1415 matching phrases foundPage 4 of 15
- Delta man
- Delta woman
- deluge
- dem. pron. masc. this
- dem. pron. plur. fem. these
- dem. pron. plur. masc. these
- demand
- demand a thing insolently
- demise
- demolish
- demolished
- demolishes
- demolishing
- demolition
- demon
- demon animal
- demon. pron. this
- demoniacal possession
- demons
- demons. pron. 1st sing.
- demonst. particle
- demonst. pron. fem. this
- demonst. pron. masc. sing.
- demonst. pron. sing. masc.
- demonst. pron. this
- demonstrative particle
- demonstrative particle: that
- demonstrative particle: this
- demonstrative pronoun
- demotic
- Demotic form
- demotic writing
- den
- den cavern
- den of a lion
- Denderah
- Dendur
- Dendur in Northern Nubia
- denial
- denizen of Amen-t
- dens
- dense mass of people
- dense of heart
- denseness
- denude
- depart
- depart from
- depart in peace
- departed
- departing
- departs
- departure
- dependant
- dependants
- dependent upon someon
- dependent upon someone
- depict in order
- depicted as a bull-headed heart
- depose
- deposition
- depravity
- deprecate
- deprecated
- deprecating
- depreciate
- depreciated
- depreciating
- depressed
- depression
- deprivation
- deprive
- deprived
- deprived of
- deprived of something
- depth
- depth of the Nile
- deputy
- deputy-confectioner
- deputy-general of the army
- deputy-master of the horse
- deputy-sealer of the maritime department
- derma
- dermis
- derogate
- descend
- descendant
- descendant of an old family
- descendants
- descent
- describe
- described
- descriptions
- descruction
- desend
- desert
- desert foreign land
- desert game
- desert land
- desert tribe
- deserter