Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - D
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | D
Dictionary phrases starting with 'd':
1415 matching phrases foundPage 11 of 15
- dock
- docks
- dockyard
- dockyards
- doctor
- doctrine
- document
- documents
- doer of the right
- doer of the Splendid Works of the Lord of the Two Lands
- doers
- doesrs
- dog
- dog belonging to Set
- dog god in the Circle Aakebi
- dog of Antef-aa
- dog-god
- dog-god in the Circle Aakebi
- dog-headed
- dog-headed ape
- dog-headed ape-god
- dog-headed apes
- dog-headed bow-god
- dog-headed god
- dog-headed god of the dead
- dog-headed warrior-god
- doggies
- doggy
- dogs
- dolt
- domain
- domains
- domestic
- domestic animal
- domicile
- dominate
- dominated
- dominates
- dominating
- domination
- dominion
- domonst. particle
- donate
- donated
- donation
- donations
- done
- done into writing effectively
- donkey
- donkey-herd
- donkeys
- doom
- doomed
- door
- door bolt
- door bolts
- door in the Tuat
- door lock
- door of his furnace
- Door of Peq
- door of the Circle Aakebi
- door of the Circle Aat-Setkau
- door of the Circle Asneteru
- door of the Circle Hep-seshemu-s
- door of the Circle Hetemit-Khemiu
- door of the Circle Hetepet-neb-per-s
- door of the Circle Sehert-baiu-s
- door of the Circle Sesheta
- door of the Circle Tuat
- door of the earth
- door openers
- door with two leaves
- door-bolt
- door-bolts
- doorkeeper
- doorkeeper god
- doorkeeper in the Tuat
- doorkeeper of the 8th Pylon
- doorkeeper-god
- doorkeeper-goddess
- doorkeepers
- doorposts
- doors
- doorway
- doorways
- dose of medicine
- double
- double bull-god
- double bull-god; a jackal-god who befriended the dead; a god of Edfu
- double burial
- Double Crown
- double deep
- double fire-god
- double form of the Sun-god
- double goddess
- double great
- double house
- double knife
- double offering of the king
- double seal