Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - C
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | C
Dictionary phrases starting with 'c':
1965 matching phrases foundPage 8 of 20
- Chief of those who are in Amentt
- Chief of Un
- chief officer
- chief officer of cavalry
- chief officers
- chief official
- chief officials
- chief overseer of waggons
- chief overseer of wagons
- chief physician
- chief priest
- chief priests
- chief prince
- chief scribe
- chief scribe of the altar of all the gods
- chief servants
- chief steward
- chief workmen or artists
- chiefs
- chiefs of the foreign mercenaries
- chiefs of the transport
- chieftain
- chieftainess
- child
- child at the breast
- child birth
- child in the town
- child-god
- childbirth
- children
- children of noblemen
- children of Nut
- children of Osiris
- children of revolt
- children of Set
- chin
- chine
- chip of wood
- chisel
- chiselled objects
- chlid who was allowed to enter the royal nursery
- choice bread
- choicest offerings
- choir
- choir of singers
- choirs
- choke
- choked
- Chons
- Chonsu
- choose
- chooses
- choosing
- chop
- chop up
- chop wood
- chopped
- chopping
- chopping block
- chopping wood
- chops
- choristers
- chose
- chosen
- chosen person
- chosen person or thing
- chronic sufferer from the eye disease
- church
- churches
- churchman
- churchmen
- cincture
- cinder block
- cinnamon
- cinnamon oil or pomade
- circle
- circle around
- circle in the Tuat
- circle is life
- circled around
- Circler - a title of the Nile
- circles
- circles around
- circling around
- circuit
- circuit like a star
- circuit wall of a building
- circuiting
- circular object
- circular objects
- circular surface
- circular vessel
- circulate
- circumference
- circumstances
- circumvent
- cistern
- citadel
- citadels
- cities