Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - C
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | C
Dictionary phrases starting with 'c':
1965 matching phrases foundPage 5 of 20
- caves
- cavity
- cease
- cease from
- ceased
- ceaselessly
- ceaselessly day and night
- ceases
- ceasing
- cedar
- cedar treated in a particular way
- cedar tree
- cedar wine
- cedar wood
- cedar wood pillows
- ceiling
- ceilings
- celebrate
- celebrate a ceremony of purification
- celebrate a festival
- celebrate the cult of a statue
- celebrate the Haker festival
- celebrated
- celebrates
- celebrating
- celebration
- celebration of a festival of Horus
- celebration of the drink festival
- celebrations
- celestial and terrestrial
- celestial being
- celestial beings who supply the deceased with food
- celestial bodies that rise like the sun
- celestial bodies which give light
- celestial existence
- celestial food or offerings
- celestial lake
- celestial mansions
- celestial region
- celestial water
- Celestial waters
- cell or shrine of god
- cellar
- cemetery
- cemetery at Thebes
- cemetery official
- cemetery plot
- cemetery plots
- cemetery property
- cense
- censer
- censer stand
- censer stands
- censes
- censing
- censings
- census
- cerastes
- cereal
- cereals
- cerebellum
- cerebrum
- ceremonial bandlet
- ceremonial bandlet made of green cloth or linen
- ceremonial bandlets
- ceremonial garment
- ceremonial garmet
- ceremonial girdle or fillet
- ceremonial mace
- ceremonial umbrella
- ceremonially pure
- ceremonially pure or clean
- ceremonies
- ceremonies performed in honor of someone
- ceremony
- ceremony in honor of Isis
- certain things
- certainly
- certainties
- certainty
- cessation
- chagrin
- chain
- chains
- chains attached to jewelery
- chair
- chair of office or of state
- chair of state
- chair-bearer
- chairs
- chalk
- challenge
- chamber
- chamber by the door
- chamber containing a symbol of Ra in the form of a wing
- chamber for watching star risings
- chamber in a temple
- chamber in Ament
- chamber in the domain of Seker
- chamber in the Ramesseum at Thebes