Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - C
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | C
Dictionary phrases starting with 'c':
1965 matching phrases foundPage 15 of 20
- controller
- controlling
- controls
- convalescence
- converse
- convey
- conveyance of property
- convict
- convicts
- convulsion
- cook
- cook food
- cook's fans for blowing the fire
- cooked food
- cooking pot
- cooking pots
- cooking vessel
- cooking vessels
- cool
- cool breeze
- cool of heart
- cool place
- cool shady seat
- cool water
- cooled
- cooled or eased
- cooling
- coolness
- copper
- copper bowl
- copper coins
- copper facings
- copper fittings of a chariot
- copper javelin
- copper object
- copper ore
- copper swords
- copper vessel
- coppersmith
- coppersmiths
- copulate
- copulate with violence
- copulation
- copy
- copy a document or book
- copy of a document
- copyist
- copyist of hieratic texts
- copyists attached to the college
- copyists of hieroglyphic texts
- copyists' room
- coradage
- cord
- cord for measuring
- cord measure
- cord net
- cord of a book
- cord of a net
- cord of a seal
- cord of palm fiber
- cord of palm fibre
- cord of rule
- cordage
- cordage of a boat
- cordage of the bow a boat
- cordage of the bow of a boat
- cordages
- cords
- cords of a seal
- cords of nets
- cords of seals
- core
- cores
- coriander seed
- corn
- corn cob
- corn cobs
- corn land
- corn measure
- corn measure = 21 gallons
- corn on the cob
- corn-bin
- corn-god
- corn-god in the Tuat II
- corn-grinders
- corn-land
- corn-sack
- corn-store
- corncob
- corncobs
- corner
- corner of a building
- corners
- cornstalk
- coronation
- coronation festival
- coronation of a king
- coronations
- corps of soldiers
- corpse