Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - C
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | C
Dictionary phrases starting with 'c':
1965 matching phrases foundPage 10 of 20
- cleave
- cleaver of the water
- cleft in a rock
- clement
- clenched hand
- clepsydra
- clergy
- clergyman
- cleric
- clerics
- clerk
- clerk of the works
- clerk's room
- clerks
- clever
- client
- climb
- climbing pole
- climbs
- cloak
- cloaked
- cloaking
- cloaks
- clock
- cloisters
- close
- close by
- close the eyes
- close up
- closed
- closed books
- closed chambers
- closes
- closet
- closing
- cloth
- cloth made of linen or wool or hair
- cloth of flax
- clothe
- clothed
- clothed in armor
- clothed in very best clothes
- clothes
- clothes chamber
- clothing
- clothings
- cloths
- cloud
- cloud fiend
- cloud-gods
- cloudy
- clows
- club
- clubs
- cluster of papyrus
- clutch
- clutched
- clutches
- clutching
- coarse grass
- coast
- coast region
- coasts
- coat
- coats
- cob
- cobs
- cockle
- cockles
- coerce
- coerced
- coerces
- coercing
- coffer
- coffers
- coffin
- coffin chamber
- coffin of ebony
- coffins
- cogitate
- cognizance
- coign
- coil
- coil up
- coils
- coin a proverb
- coinciding with
- coition
- cold
- colds
- collapse
- collar
- collar of eternity
- collar of Mut
- collar of Uatchit and Nekhebit
- collar or pectoral to which the serpent amulet was attached
- collar-amulet
- collars
- colleague
- colleagues