Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - B
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | B
Dictionary phrases starting with 'b':
1296 matching phrases foundPage 5 of 13
- beings of light
- beings of Nu
- beings or things that exist
- beings who assisted in the boiling of the gods
- beings who create the things that are
- beings who cry out
- beings who observe or keep watch over time
- beings who protect
- beings with clean or pure faces
- beings with invisible forms
- beleaguer a city
- belief
- belittle
- bellies
- bellow
- belly
- belly of heaven - a part of the sky very full of stars
- belly-dance
- belong
- belonging
- belonging thereto
- belonging to
- belonging to earth
- belonging to her
- belonging to him
- belonging to him that is in
- belonging to olden time
- belonging to the arms
- belonging to the back or rump
- belonging to the corvee
- belonging to the dawn
- belonging to the feet
- belonging to the god
- belonging to the heavens
- belonging to the horse
- belonging to the neck
- belonging to the throne
- belonging to the town or community
- belonging to the upper regions
- belonging to them
- belonging to us
- belongings
- beloved
- beloved of his city
- beloved one
- beloved son
- beloved woman
- below
- belt
- belt knife
- belts
- bench
- bend
- bend a bow
- bend away
- bend in two
- bend of a canal or lake
- bend of a river
- bend over a stream to make water
- bend the head
- bend the leg
- bend the shoulders in homage
- bending
- bends
- beneath
- benefactions
- benefactor
- beneficent
- beneficent spells
- beneficial rain
- benefit
- benefit someone
- benefits
- benevolent
- benevolent god
- benevolent god of the dead
- benevolent serpent-god
- benighted traveler
- Bennu
- bent
- bent staves
- bequeath
- berries
- berries of a tree
- berry
- Berut
- Bes
- beseech
- beseech as a captive
- besides
- besiege
- besiege a city
- besiegers
- bespatter
- best
- best of the captives
- bestial person
- bestow
- bestow a title
- betake oneself to a place