Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - B
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'b':
1296 matching phrases foundPage 4 of 13
- beckoning
- beckons
- become
- become abundant
- become bright
- become corrupt
- become dark
- become excited
- become gooseflesh
- become green
- become hard
- become light
- become maggoty
- become many or much
- become old
- become partial
- become pregnant
- become putrid
- become red
- become small
- become sour
- become weak
- become worms
- become young
- becomes
- becoming
- bed
- bed bier
- bed coverlet
- bed or seat carried on men's shoulders
- bed with fine linen bedclothes
- bed-clothes
- bedaub
- bedchamber
- bedclothes
- bedew
- beds
- bedstea
- bedstead
- bedstead like the Sudani
- bee
- beer
- beer measure
- beer of iron
- beer of Sti
- beer of truth - a kind of divine beer drunk by the 12 gods who guarded the shrine of Osiris
- beer shop
- beer-house
- beer-pot
- beerhouse
- bees
- beetle
- beetle-god
- beetle-headed throne-bearer of Harmakhis Temu
- beetles
- before
- before him
- before thee
- beg
- began
- beget
- begetter
- begetter of the self-begetter
- begetting
- beggar
- begging
- begin
- beginning
- beginnings of seasons
- begins
- begotten
- behave as a friend
- behave correctly
- behave haughtily
- behave in a beast-like manner
- behave in a beastly manner
- behave or act in a seemly manner
- behave rightly
- behavior
- behaviour
- behest
- behind
- behind someone or something
- behold
- behold!
- being
- being afar off
- being appertaining to the sky
- being in the Other World to whom offerings are made
- being of light
- being the sun and moon
- being who can change his form at will
- being whose head was a pot of fire
- beings
- beings and things terrestrial
- beings in heaven who are masters of their Kau
- beings in the Other World
- beings like unto Osiris
- beings of a former time
- beings of earth