Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - B
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | B
Dictionary phrases starting with 'b':
1296 matching phrases foundPage 13 of 13
- bundle of vegetables
- bundles
- bundles of clothes
- bundles of papyrus
- bundles of seeds used in medicine
- bundles of vegetables
- bunnies
- bunny
- bunny rabbit
- bunny rabbits
- burden
- burdened
- burdensome
- bureau
- burial
- burials
- buried
- buried in oblivion
- buries
- buring
- burn
- burn incense
- burn off
- burn up
- burned
- burner
- burning
- burning hot
- burning incense
- burnt offering
- burnt offerings
- burnt out
- burnt sacrifice
- burnt up
- burro
- burros
- burrow
- burrows
- burst into flower
- bury
- bury in the earth
- burying
- bush
- bushes
- busines affairs
- business
- business affairs
- business mission
- businesses
- Busiris
- Busiris - the capital of the Nome Busirites
- Busiris and Mendes
- busness
- bust
- but
- but certainly Egypt is happy
- but he rose from the dead
- but indeed I am a priest
- butcher
- butcher's knife
- butcher's knives
- butchered
- butchering
- butchers
- butler
- butlers
- Buto
- butt
- butt with the horns
- butter
- butter of the North
- butter of the South
- buttocks
- butts
- buying and selling
- by
- by a man who is with himself
- by all means
- by degrees
- by hearsay
- by means of
- by my two hands actually
- by no means
- by offerings
- by the favor of
- by the favor of the darkness
- by the hand of
- by the mouth of every priest's head
- by the side of
- by the side of something
- by way of
- by your favor or courtesy
- byre
- byssus
- byssus cloth
- bystander