Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - B
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | B
Dictionary phrases starting with 'b':
1296 matching phrases foundPage 12 of 13
- brows
- bruise
- brushwood
- Bu-t enti Ra
- Bubastis
- Bubastis in the Delta
- Bubastis of the North
- Bubastis of the South
- Bubastite form of Isis
- bubble up
- bucket
- buckler
- bucklers
- bud
- bud of a flower
- buds
- buffoon
- build
- build a booth
- build a house
- build a wall
- build carefully and well
- build massive walls
- build the sides of a canal or dyke
- builder
- builder's construction
- builder's constructions
- builder's plan
- building
- building abode
- building at Karnak
- building of Seti I at Karnak
- building of some kind
- building of Thothes III
- building of Thothmes III
- buildings
- buildings of some kind
- builds
- built
- built about a pyramid
- bul
- bulgar
- bulge out
- bull
- Bull - name of a boat of Aahmes I
- bull cakes
- bull calf
- bull calves
- bull for sacrifice
- bull god
- Bull in Egypt
- Bull in Tet-t
- Bull of Ament
- bull of bulls
- bull of his mother
- bull of Maat
- Bull of the gods - a title of the Great God
- bull of the herd
- Bull of the nine gods
- bull or cow slain as a sacrifice
- bull running
- bull that reneweth his youth - a title of the Sun-god
- bull-god
- bull-god - a form of Osiris
- bull-god in the Circle Aakebi
- bull-god of Anu
- bull-god of generation
- bull-god of offerings
- bull-god or goddess
- bull-god who befriended the dead
- bull-god who destroyed the dead
- bull-god who was the soul of the Earth-god Geb
- bull-god with a loud voice
- bull-god with two faces
- bull-gods
- bull-headed god
- bull-headed god; a lion-headed god; an invisible god in the House of Osiris who burned up the enemies of Osiris
- bull's head
- bull's-skin bier
- bulls
- bulls for sacrifice
- bulls running
- bulrush
- bulrush-?
- bulwark
- bulwarks
- bumblebee
- bumblebees
- bunch
- bunches
- bunches of flowers
- bunches of grapes
- bundle
- bundle of arrows
- bundle of cloth
- bundle of grain
- bundle of linen
- bundle of plants or vegetables
- bundle of reeds
- bundle of spice