Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - B
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | B
Dictionary phrases starting with 'b':
1296 matching phrases foundPage 11 of 13
- breastfed
- breastfeed
- breastfeeding
- breastfeeds
- breasts
- breasts of a woman
- breath
- breath of life
- breath of serpent
- breathe
- breathe an odor
- breathe easily
- breathe easily or freely
- breathe freely
- breathe into
- breathe with difficulty
- breathed
- breathes
- breathing
- breathlessness
- breaths
- breed
- breed of cows
- breeding
- breeds
- breeze
- breezes
- brethren
- brew
- brew beer
- brewer
- breweries
- brewers
- bribe
- brick
- brick base
- brick or tile kiln
- bricklayer
- brickmaker
- brickmakers
- bricks
- bricks of metal
- bride
- bridge
- bridges
- brigand
- brigands
- bright
- bright fire
- bright object
- brightly colored paintings
- brightness
- brilliance
- bring
- bring down birds and animals with a boomerang
- bring forth
- bring forward
- bring foward
- bring gifts
- bring in
- bring into being
- bring life to a close
- bring near
- bring to an end
- bring together
- bring up
- bring up children
- bringer
- bringer of offerings
- bringer of reports
- bringers
- bringing
- brings
- bristle
- bristles
- broad
- broad boat
- broad flat-bottomed boat
- broad flat-bottomed boats
- broadly
- broke ground
- broken
- broken hearts
- broken or overthrown
- broken pieces
- bronze
- bronze candlestick
- bronze fastenings
- bronze fire-stand
- brood over
- brook
- brother
- brother of Seker
- brothers
- brothers and sisters
- brought
- brought forth by
- brought low
- brow
- brown stone objects