Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - A
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'a':
1437 matching phrases foundPage 6 of 15
- all men
- all of it
- all of them
- all of you
- all people
- all peoples
- all persons
- all prosperity
- all sides
- all stability
- all that is
- all the gods
- all the gods of the cities
- all the gods of the nomes
- all the men and women inhabiting a country
- all throughout
- all thy desire
- all time
- all times
- all under my direction
- all who are born
- all-embracing heaven
- allies
- allies of Set
- allies of the Libyans
- alligator
- alligators
- allocate
- allot
- allot land by measure
- allotment
- allow
- allowance
- allowed
- allowing
- allows
- alloy
- alluring
- alluvial gold dust
- ally
- ally of Neheb-kau
- ally of Set
- almighty
- almond tree
- alms
- alone
- alone by himself
- alone by thyself
- along with
- alp
- alps
- also
- altar
- altar pitcher
- altar slab
- altar table
- altar vessel
- altar vessels
- altar with bread and beer on it
- altar-vessel
- altars
- altars laden with food offerings
- alternate
- alternates
- alternatively
- altogether
- alum
- Alwah
- always
- always be happy
- amaze
- amazed
- amazed or stupefied
- amazes
- amazing
- amber-colored plated bronze
- Amem-mit
- Amen
- Amen + Menu
- Amen + Ra
- Amen + Temu in Thebes
- Amen as god of eternity
- Amen as god of the East
- Amen as lord of the Nome of Heroonpolites
- Amen of Heb
- Amen of Karnak
- Amen of Napata
- Amen of Tehnit
- Amen of the exalted throne
- Amen of the hill
- Amen of Thebes
- amen ra
- Amen the beloved
- Amen with the ready horns
- Amen-Ra
- Amen-Ra as his mother's husband
- amethyst
- amethyst carnelian
- amiability
- amiable