Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - A
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | A
Dictionary phrases starting with 'a':
1437 matching phrases foundPage 11 of 15
- appellant
- appertaining to Horus
- appertaining to set
- applaud
- applauded
- applauding
- applauds
- apple
- apple of the eye
- apples
- appliance
- appliances
- applied to a reptile
- applied to Lake Moeris
- applied to tanks in which fish are kept
- applied to the wind
- apply an unguent
- apply fire to a metal
- appoint
- appoint something to a certain purpose
- appoint to a higher rank or dignity
- appoint to an office
- appoint to some rank or dignity
- appoint trustworthy people
- appointment
- apportioning
- appreciate
- appreciated
- appreciates
- appreciating
- appreciation
- approach
- approach or walk with reverence
- approach someone in fear
- approach someone with fear
- approbation
- approval
- Apu
- aqueduct
- Arabia
- Arabia and other countries to the east of Egypt
- Arabian gum or resin
- arable land
- arable land
- arable land in general
- Arachosia
- Aradus
- arbor
- arbors
- arc
- arch-enemy of Ra
- archer
- archer-god
- archers
- archetype
- archetype of a manuscript
- archiatros
- architect
- architects
- architecture
- archive
- archives
- archon
- arcs
- ardent
- area
- areas
- arena
- argue
- argued
- argues
- arguing
- argument
- arid
- arise
- arise from
- arisen
- arises
- arising
- Aristonikos
- arm
- arm and shoulder of a man
- arm of Horus
- arm of Orion
- arm of the Nile
- arm of the river
- arm oneself
- arm ornament
- arm ring
- Arm'tt
- Arma
- armchair
- armchairs
- armed
- armed servants
- armed soldier
- Armenia
- arming
- armlet
- armlet or bracelet