Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - U
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'U':
311 matching phrases foundPage 1 of 4
- U2661: use image variation ID 11750
- U422: use image variation ID 11757
- Uatchit
- udder
- udder and treats
- udders
- ufo
- ulcer
- ulcers
- umbilicus
- umbrella
- umbrella-bearers
- Un-Nefer
- Un-nefer + Ra
- Un-Nefer Harmakhis
- unanimously
- Unas is between them
- unbind
- unbolt
- unbolt a door
- unbolted
- unbolting
- unbolts
- unbu plant
- unceasing
- uncle
- unclean
- unclothe
- unconquered
- uncooked meat
- uncouth
- uncover
- uncovered
- uncovering
- uncovers
- uncreate
- uncultivated land
- under
- under his directions
- under the authority of
- under the back of
- under the ban
- under the favor of
- under the forms of other gods
- under the hand of i.e.
- under the majesty of
- under the seal
- Under World
- underground chamber or passage
- undergrowth
- underling
- underlings
- underneath
- underrate
- understand
- understanding
- understanding of heart
- understands
- understood
- understood his nature
- undertaking
- underwood
- underworld
- undiminished
- undiminishing
- undo
- undo mummy bandages
- undone
- undoubtedly
- undress
- undressed hair
- undressing chamber
- unearth
- unearthed
- unearthing
- unearths
- unemployed
- unenclosed or waste land
- unending eternity
- unequalled
- unfailing
- unfavorable
- unfavorable or head wind
- unfavourable
- unfeigned
- unfettered
- unfold
- unfriendly
- ungracious
- unguent
- unguent case
- unguent compounded of olive oil
- unguent from Sangar
- unguent of a light yellow color
- unguent of some kind
- unguent of the first quality
- unguent or perfume maker
- unguent or unguent pot
- unguent pot
- unguent used on festal occasions