Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - S
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'S':
2849 matching phrases foundPage 24 of 29
- storytellers
- straighten
- straighten the legs
- straightway
- strain
- strain constraction
- strain contraction
- strain through a cloth
- strain through a rag
- strain through a sieve
- strainer
- strainers
- strange
- strange or foreign speech
- strange or uncouth words
- strange things
- stranger
- strangers
- strangle
- strap
- straw
- straws
- stray
- streaked
- stream
- stream canal
- stream in the Tuat
- stream lake pool
- stream of Osiris in the Tuat
- stream of water
- streams
- strech
- streched
- streches
- street
- street corner
- street or lane in a town
- streets
- strength
- strength of the ka
- strength with good luck
- strengthen
- strengthen oneself
- strengths
- strenuous
- stretch
- stretch a cord
- stretch oneself out to sleep
- stretch out
- stretch out a builder's cord to show the size of the building
- stretch out the hand and arm
- stretch out the hands in prayer
- stretch out the sky
- stretch the legs in walking
- stretched
- stretched out
- stretches
- stretches out
- stretching
- stretching out
- stricken
- strict
- strict justice
- stride
- stride over
- strider
- stridings
- strife
- strife opposition
- strike
- strike a balance
- strike a blow
- strike a light
- strike a lyre
- strike awe into people
- strike down
- strike the footsteps of
- strike the harp
- strike up a tune
- strike with a knife
- striker
- strikes
- striking
- string
- string a bow
- string bed
- string of a seal
- string of figs
- stringer of bows
- strings
- strip
- strip naked
- strip of blue linen
- strip of cloth
- strip of cloth or linen
- strip of linen
- strip of linen cloth
- strip off clothes
- stripe
- striped