Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - S
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'S':
2849 matching phrases foundPage 15 of 29
- smash
- smashed
- smashes
- smashing
- smear
- smear oneself in blood
- smear the eyes with stibium
- smear with oil or unguent
- smel
- smell
- smell of incense
- smell or kiss the earth in homage
- smell the blow of a stick
- smell the earth
- smell the hand
- smelling gum
- smelt
- smelt metals
- smelted copper
- smelter
- smelters
- smelting houses
- smer
- smile
- smite
- smite off
- smite to the earth
- smiter
- smiter of all lands
- smiters
- smiting
- smitten
- smoke
- smooth words
- snach away
- snail
- snails
- snake
- snake goddess
- snake goddesses
- snake head
- snake with two legs
- snake-goddess
- snake-goddesses
- snake's head
- snakes
- snare
- snare birds
- snare birds and to catch fish
- snare birds in a net
- snare fish or birds
- snare in a net
- snared
- snared birds and fish
- snarer
- snarers
- snarers of the same
- snares
- snaring
- snatch
- snatch away
- sneer
- Sni
- sniff
- sniff at
- sniff the air
- sniffings of air
- snooze
- snoozed
- snoozes
- snoozing
- snout
- snouts
- snow
- snuff
- snuff the air
- snuff the wind
- so help me
- so that
- so that not
- so-and-so
- soak
- soar
- soar in the air
- soared
- soaring
- soars
- Sobek
- society
- socket
- socket of a leaf of a door
- sockets
- sockets of doors
- sodomite
- sodomy
- soft
- soft answer
- soft or gentle winds
- soft speech
- softness