Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - R
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | R
Dictionary phrases starting with 'R':
1014 matching phrases foundPage 7 of 11
- restraint
- restraint of any kind
- restraints
- restricted
- restriction
- restrictions
- rests
- result arrived at by thinking
- resurrection
- retch
- retched
- retching
- retinue
- retrace a path
- retract
- retreat
- retreater
- retreatings
- retribution
- retribution in a bad sense
- return
- return an answer
- return in the evening
- returned
- returning
- returns
- reunion
- reunion of spirits
- reveal
- reveal a matter
- revenue
- revenue officer
- revenues
- revere
- revered
- reverence
- reverenced
- reverences
- reverencing
- reverse
- revile
- revile to abuse
- reviler
- reviling
- revilings
- revise
- revision
- revolt
- revolt against
- revolted
- revolters
- revolting
- revolts
- revolution
- revolution of the sun
- revolve
- revolved
- revolves
- revolving
- reward
- rewards
- rework
- rheum
- rheum of the eyes
- rheumy disease of the eye
- rhino
- rhinoceros
- rhinoceroses
- rhinos
- rib
- ribbons
- ribs
- rich
- rich in houses
- rich man
- rich or festal apparel
- riches
- riddle
- riddles
- ridge of ground
- Ridge of Uan
- rig a boat
- rigging
- right
- right disposition
- right dispositions
- right eye
- right eye of Ra
- right feeling
- right hand
- right laws
- right lead
- right order
- right side
- right-hand
- right-hand side
- right-hearted man
- righteous
- righteous edicts
- righteous result