Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - I
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | I
Dictionary phrases starting with 'I':
668 matching phrases foundPage 3 of 7
- in my opinion
- in need
- in need of
- in Northern Nubia
- in Nubia
- in one or the same place
- in one place together
- in one state
- in order that
- in order to
- in pain
- in payment for
- in peace
- in process of building
- in proportion to
- in proportion to the offerings
- in respect of
- in restraint
- in return for
- in Sekhet-Aaru
- in silver
- in some respects
- in some ways
- in sore straits
- in swearing
- in tcham metal
- in the belly of
- in the bows of a boat
- in the charge of
- in the cirle of
- in the condition or capacity of
- in the Delta
- in the Eastern Delta
- in the face of someone or something
- in the Fayyum
- in the first rank
- in the following of
- in the fore part
- in the form of
- in the front
- in the inside
- in the likeness or manner of
- in the manner of
- in the midst of
- in the neighborhood of
- in the neighborhood of this city
- in the neighbourhood of
- in the Nome Unt
- in the other World
- in the place of judgement
- in the place of judgement in court
- in the presence of
- in the sight of
- in the state of knowing
- in the train thereof
- in the Tuat
- in their midst
- in this and that
- in thy power
- in truth
- in Upper Egypt
- in want
- in which the deceased was revivified
- in wood
- in wrong order
- inactive
- inactive god
- inactive gods
- inactivity
- inanition
- inasmuch as
- inattention
- inattentive
- inaugurate a house or establishment
- inaugurate an altar
- inauguration
- inaugurations
- incant
- incantation
- incantations
- incanted
- incanting
- incants
- incapable
- incarnation of Thoth
- incense
- incense burner censer
- incense burnt at a festival
- incense chamber
- incense ochre
- incense offering
- incense plant
- incense trees
- incense vase
- incident
- incidents
- incisor
- incisors
- incite
- inclination