Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - I
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | I
Dictionary phrases starting with 'I':
668 matching phrases foundPage 2 of 7
- immediately
- immense
- immensely
- immerse
- immersed
- immerses
- immersing
- immobility
- immortal
- immovable
- immutable
- impale
- impaled
- impales
- impaling
- impaling pole
- impartial
- impassable
- impassable valleys
- impede
- imperishable
- imperishable name
- implaled
- implement of slaughter
- implements
- implore
- import
- important
- important sanctuary of Seker
- imported
- importing
- imports
- importunity
- impost
- impostor
- imposts
- impotence
- impotent
- impotent but ill-disposed beings
- impotent rebels
- impoverish
- imprecation
- imprecations
- impregnate
- impregnated
- impregnates
- impregnating
- impressive
- imprison
- imprisoned
- imprisoning
- imprisonment
- imprisons
- impudence
- impudent
- impure
- impure man
- impurity
- Imset
- Imseti
- in
- in a body
- in a foul condition
- in a hidden manner
- in a jesting manner
- in a most ruined state
- in a proper or becoming manner
- in a ruined state
- in a spacious place
- in a state of collapse
- in a state of flux and ruin
- in a state of religious ecstasy
- in abundance
- in accordance with
- in accordance with statute
- in addition to
- in advance
- in all
- in any case
- in bodily form
- in charge
- in charge of
- in command of something
- in court
- in danger
- in despair
- in distress
- in entirety
- in face of
- in front
- in front of
- in gold
- in good condition
- in great need
- in heaven
- in Heliopolis
- in labor
- in lapis lazuli
- in league with
- in likeness of