Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - F
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | F
Dictionary phrases starting with 'F':
1327 matching phrases foundPage 3 of 14
- fem.
- fem. a bull or cow slain as a sacrifice
- fem. a bull-god
- fem. a god
- fem. a group of fiends in the Tuat
- fem. a kind of goose
- fem. a serpent-fiend in the Tuat
- fem. a term of relationship
- fem. a title of Horus
- fem. a title of nobility
- fem. all
- fem. an official or person employed on garden land or in irrigation
- fem. another
- fem. bold-hearted
- fem. brother
- fem. cat
- fem. child
- fem. crocodile
- fem. devil
- fem. Eye of Tem
- fem. fiend
- fem. fiends
- fem. fore-god of a beast
- fem. fore-leg of a beast
- fem. fourth
- fem. gazelle
- fem. great
- fem. hawk
- fem. he who is on
- fem. he who is on his hill
- fem. loud-voiced
- fem. nine
- fem. of
- fem. of preceding
- fem. only one
- fem. possessor of property
- fem. ram
- fem. scorpion
- fem. second
- fem. seven
- fem. slayer
- fem. southern
- fem. subject
- fem. tenth
- fem. the Eye of Horus
- fem. the father-gods
- fem. the Food-god
- fem. the perfect ones
- fem. three
- fem. time
- fem. two
- fem. wild bull
- female
- female animal
- female animals
- female child
- female children
- female citizen
- female counterpart of Osiris
- female crocodile
- female demon
- female enemy
- female genitalia
- female leopard
- female pudenda
- female relatives
- female scribe
- female singers
- female slave
- female slaves
- female spirit
- female vassal
- female who has conceived
- females
- feminine title
- femur
- femurs
- fen man
- fen-district
- fence
- fenced enclosures
- ferment
- fermented liquor
- ferocity
- ferry
- ferry boat
- ferry boats
- ferry over
- ferry-boat
- ferry-god
- ferry-god in the Tuat
- ferryman
- ferrymen
- fertile
- fertile land
- festal attire
- festal band
- festal offering
- festal offerings
- festal procession